Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Jefferson Ward Devotional

On Sunday, September 6th at 9:30 am, the Bishopric will hold a virtual morning devotional. This will be a brief meeting with a short uplifting message from a member of the Bishopric. We hope this will give members who are not able to attend sacrament meeting a chance to connect with the ward and participate virtually. 

Please use the following link:

Meeting ID: 520 851 2121

Passcode: 399526

If you need help with connecting to the meeting on Zoom, please contact either President Rob Hakes (801-330-6765) or President Shelli Fowlks (801-518-7344).

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Jefferson Ward Spotlight

Kevin Newton

(Ward Executive Secretary)

Describe yourself in one or two paragraphs:
My name is Kevin Newton. I’ve lived in Utah most of my life. 

I served an English-speaking mission in the Indiana Indianapolis mission. Before and after my mission I attended the University of North Florida. However, I transferred to BYU to complete my degree in accounting. While attending BYU, I met and married my wife Jessica. We have two sons – ages 3 years old and 4 months old. For a profession, I’m a CPA and help people with taxes. 

How long have you lived in the ward?
I’ve lived in the ward for four years.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Utah until I was twelve. Lived in Georgia for about a year. Then completed middle school and high school in Jacksonville, FL.

What are a few of you favorite pastimes and hobbies?
I love video games! I’ve played all kinds. So hit me up if you want to play some time. I also love movies. Specifically, one of my favorite things to do is go to the movie theater. Nothing like popcorn at the theater.

What is your favorite breakfast food?
This depends on my mood. It’s a tie between French toast, a breakfast casserole, or just bacon.

What is your favorite book?
I feel obligated to say the scriptures, but I’m going to put those to the side in my answer. That being said, no other set of books have changed my life the way the scriptures have. My favorite book has to be a set of books – the Harry Potter series. I can read that series over and over. I grew up on them, so I have a great affinity for those books.

What do you like most about our ward?
We have good people. People are genuinely kind and care about your welfare.

What do you like most about church?
The sacrament is my favorite part. It’s a beautiful ordinance that gives me an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifice of my Savior.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
I’ve probably had more embarrassing moments than this, but this comes to mind. I was in a car dealership’s service-center lobby waiting for my car’s oil to be changed. I felt a disturbance in my nether regions that told me I probably needed to go to the rest room. However, I knew that my car was probably going to be ready soon and I could leave. So, I decided to hold it in. I'm usually pretty good about holding it. Number one or number two – doesn’t matter. 

I was doing pretty good for a while. But finally, I needed to stand up to really concentrate on the task. I took a step back away from the group of other customers to be sure my concentration wasn’t broken. Despite this, the pressure continued to mount even with me standing. Finally, I couldn’t hold it any longer and KACHOW! PLOP! PFFFFT! The loudest fart I have ever released entered that lobby filled with other patrons. Lucky for me – it was just air and didn’t really smell.

I was pretty embarrassed.

Do you have a unique conversion story, what is it?
As background, I come from a single-parent home. My mom grew up in the church, but wasn’t really involved in it while growing up or after. In fact, she was excommunicated in her twenties. As a child, religion and God weren’t talked about much. Despite her experience (and, I would assume, apparent uninterest), she allowed me to be taught by the missionaries when I was eight years old. Not long after, I was baptized into the church. Thankfully, my mother was rebaptized into the church while we were living in Georgia.

What are some of your favorite foods?
Chick-fil-A. I don’t want to cause controversy here, but I want to go on the record and say that Chick-fil-A’s sandwich is hands down better than any sandwich that Popeyes can make. I’m sorry, but I just prefer to eat a chicken sandwich that isn’t dry.

What are some foods that you hate?
Peas. The texture and taste of dirt. Celery. When I get these with my wings, I feel insulted. Raisins. The worst part of any trail mix.

What is one of your dream vacations?
I want to drive across the country and visit as many states as I can.

What is the scariest thing you have done?
White water rafting. Once I realized what could happen to me, I was terrified.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Jefferson Ward EQ Spotlight

Ron Willes

(Elders Quorum Secretary)

            I was born and raised in Lehi, Utah. My sister  and I grew up on a 20 acre farm, We raised celery, wheat, barley, sugar beets . I must say that we had a wonderful childhood. I could ride my bike and motor scooter all over. we didn't lock our homes or cars.

           I attended Lehi schools and tried out for the football team but I was to small 95 lbs. I wrestled in the 121 lb class and lettered.I had some great close friends in high school, five of us would drag main and chase around together. My first car was a 1952 Ford.My Senior year I went to Provo Tec for a Electrical class for half the day. After high school I joined the Army National Guard and spent 2 months at Fort Ord California and four months at Ft Belvor Virginia, We were able to go into Washington DC and tour all the historical sites.

          Went to Cedar City to school for 1 1/2 yrs. Called to serve a mission in the Southwest British Mission June 1962 to June 1964. Met LuJane two weeks after I got home from my mission, we dated  for a year and a half and were married January 20, 1966 in the Salt Lake Temple.We lived in Pleasant Grove while I went to school at the Provo Tech,  graduating with a associate  Degree in Refrigeration and Air Condition. Got a job with Sears as a Refrigeration Tech. 

         We moved  to Salt and lived in a apartment on Paxton Ave for two years.We moved into our home here in Murray, June of 1969 Where we have lived for the past 51 years.  We have raised seven children, four daughters, two are twins, three sons, We are blessed to have 25 grand children and 3 great grand children. 

         After Working for Sears for 31 years 11 months and12 days I retired in May 1998.  We have traveled to England twice, Went to China, went on a Alaska cruise and Christmas in Branson, American Heritage/L.D.S Church History tour. Served as a Temple Ordinance Worker in the Jordan River for over 10 years. Served as Bishop of the 19th Ward.  We served as Missionaries in the  Nauvoo Temple for 18 months, We had church callings at the Metro Jail in the women's unit for 40 months.  In my spare time  I like to ride my bike and spend time with our kids and grandkids

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Jefferson Ward EQ Spotlight

Rob Hakes

(Elders Quorum President)

- Describe yourself in one or two paragraphs:
    My name is Robert Matthew Hakes (Usually go by Rob, unless you knew me before I was 20 then it is Robbie).  A Hake is a fish so I assume that my ancestors were avid fisherman.  This is good because whenever I want to go fishing I can say that I am doing my family history by getting in touch with my family roots.
   I work as a Salesman/Project Manager at American Fence and primarily am responsible for all of the temporary fence panels that you see around construction sites.
  I have a beautiful wife, Jill and two boys Caleb and Colton.
  I don't like reading, watching movies or sitting of any kind.  I need to be on the move in the outdoors, playing sports, or building something.  My most common pastimes are fishing, playing ice hockey, weightlifting, and camping.  I get most of my education and info from podcasts and books on tape.

- How long have you lived in the ward?
  15 years.  3 years in the Condos (building J) and 12 years in our house

- Where did you grow up?
  Sandy Utah.  Graduated as a Jordan Beetdigger

-What is something unique about you?
  Similar to bro Hankins I am ambidextrous, but opposite of him I write with my right hand and play sports with my left hand.

-What is your favorite book?
Good to Great & 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  I always finding myself referring back
to the principles in those books.  I also love listening to talks by Jim Rohn (though old school
and cheesy).

-Who is somebody from history that you look up to and why?
Nephi.  He was a stud in all aspects.  Faith, Resilience, Ingenuity, and general

-Who is your favorite person from church history and why?
Heber J Grant. He was a man that learned how to overcome and embrace weakness.  

-What do you like most about our ward?
Everybody seems really down to earth and real.  Im not the most outgoing and friendly guy but
have still managed to get to know some really cool people that live here.

-What do you like most about church?
It gives me an opportunity to serve and be charitable.  Otherwise I think I would be a hermit that
spent all of my days doing my own thing and staying away from people.

-What is your most embarrassing moment?
There are many moments that have come about when I am in public with my boys when they
 were young.  They would say whatever came to mind and often made some really awkward

-What are some foods that you hate?
I really struggle with deep fried foods and really sweet sugary foods.  

What is your most favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving.  Time off with family without all of the fanfare and preparation of Christmas.

What is your least favorite holiday and why?
Halloween.  Most things about this holiday are painful and they don't really mean anything.  

What is your most memorable vacation?
Hawaii with the Family

What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?
Social situations, though I haven't really overcome it yet.  I grew up as a severe introvert and
 have had to continue to work on handling myself socially over and over again. As many other
introverts can attest, being an introvert is really quite awesome, it just makes the important task
of socializing all the more awkward.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Jefferson Ward EQ Spotlight

Spencer Hankins

(Elders Quorum 2nd Counselor)

- Describe yourself in one or two paragraphs:
I'm Spencer John Hankins. My middle name is from my Mom's dad who I never met. He was a race car driver and sailor. He died at sea right after my mom and dad were married. I was born in Bakersfield, CA. My family moved to Murray when I was in second grade. Blakely and I met at the same time because my family moved into her ward. We have known each other for 25 years. Our daughter, Scotty, is 5 years-old, and our son, Rockwell, just turned 3. Our kids are awesome! Scotty literally thinks she is a princess, and Rocky is at the age of just wanting to break, tackle, destroy everything! It's fun over here!
Growing up I played a lot of sports, but basketball was definitely my favorite. Went to Murray High, SLCC, and then studied Mining Engineering at the U of U. I am a huge BYU fan, so it was really hard to go to that school. Blakely is a big Utah fan, so it's definitely a split household. 
I was lucky enough to be called to serve in the Philippines Cebu Mission. I learned the Cebuano language. I loved every second of being in the Philippines. Warm, sunny, lots or rice, and extremely nice people. Everyone in the Philippines is Christian, so it was really easy to teach people everyday about the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. My testimony was definitely solidified while being in the Philippines. I was blessed to see the Lord's miracles firsthand and know that this Church truly has Jesus Christ in charge. 

- How long have you lived in the ward?
7 years.

- Where did you grow up?
I grew up just down the street! 5900 South and 700 West in the Murray Parkway Stake. Went to Viewmont Elementary, Riverview Jr. High, and Murray High School. Just stayed in Murray!

- What are a few of you favorite pastimes and hobbies?
Sports. Especially basketball. 

What is something unique about you?
I'm ambidextrous. I play sports right handed, but write with my left hand.

What is your favorite breakfast food?

What is your favorite book?
I truly don't read unless I have to. I love Preach My Gospel though. It is the only book that I don't complain about reading.

How do you like to spend your leisure time?
Watch and play basketball.

Who do you look forward to hearing from most during General Conference and why?
I love hearing from Elder David A. Bednar. He gave a very influential talk about Becoming a Missionary right before I left on my mission. That talk, and many more, have made me always look forward to Conference to hear Elder Bednar.

What do you like most about our ward?
Our ward seems to always step up to the plate. It doesn't matter what the need or assignment is because our ward always has people helping. 

What do you like most about church?
I like testimony meeting. It always lifts me up to hear others testimonies about Christ. 

What are some of your favorite foods?

What are some foods that you hate?
A few years ago I made a new years resolution to re-try all of the foods that I had learned to hate. It is the only new years resolution that I have actually kept! My taste buds had changed quite a bit! I now love broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and brussel sprouts! But the one thing I still hate is mushrooms. Mushrooms are disgusting.

What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?
Learning the Cebuano language was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I felt soooo  behind compared to everyone else in my MTC class and especially all of the other missionaries when I got to the field. It was an extremely humbling experience for me. I learned a lot about leaning on and putting trust in the Lord. It took a while, but I also consider learning Cebuano one of the greatest accomplishments that I have completed. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Jefferson Ward EQ Spotlight 

Brandon Prunty

  My name is Brandon Prunty, and my wife and I moved into the ward this early September. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, grew up some more in Santiago, Chile during my mission, and then I studied at Southern Utah University in Cedar City from 2013 to 2018. I'm hoping to start working on an ambulance in late September or early October as an EMT. I am currently applying for medical school and I hope to get into the University of Utah's medical school. I hope to own my own clinic someday.

On a more personal level, I'm an extrovert. I like doing just about everything, and I love trying new things which has led me to be a real jack-of-all-trades. So, if you ever need an extra hand with something, call me up. If you need an expert at something, I'll help you find one. For fun, I like hiking, playing games (board, card, or video games), and music. I've been playing guitar for 21 years, and I'll never stop. Feel free to call me for anything you might need help with. 702-600-5005.


If I could be any animal, I would be an ostrich because I want to see how people react to an ostrich riding a bike.

3 words to describe myself: Funloving, Different,

My leisure time is mostly spent talking with my wife or reading personal development/ business books.

My favorite book is probably Quotationary. It's a book I picked up in high school, and it is literally filled with quotes. I like it because each quote is like a little nugget of wisdom, and it's organized well enough for me to find a quote on just about any topic.

In history, I look up to great leaders like George Washington, Harriet Tubman, Napolean, Mother Teresa, and Gandhi. I've always been impressed by people who change the world against great odds.

My favorite food is a peanut butter jelly sandwich. Some things just never get old.

My least favorite food is luckily not very common in the US, its rice with milk (like cereal with cooked white rice). Makes me gag. But for the most part, I love all food.

Favorite holiday: Fourth of July! I love America, and its a holiday with minimal expectations as far as preparation, and so long as you get to see some fireworks, you know you did it right. Hotdogs with avocado, mayonnaise, tomatoes, and Special Sauce from J-Dawgs are also a huge bonus.

Least favorite holiday: Labor Day. I don't understand why we celebrate labor by taking a day off.

In general conference, I am mostly looking forward to hearing from Elder Stevenson because I really enjoyed his last talk on building a "play-book." I've been building mine since, and it has really improved my personal studies.  

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Jefferson Ward Elders Quorum

Come and enjoy 

Guy's Night Out
@Millcreek Canyon

Thursday Sept 19 6:30 PM

-Bring your own Hobo Dinners
-We will provide drinks, desserts and dinnerware
-Meet at the church at 6:30 for a ride

  Jefferson Ward Devotional On Sunday, September 6th at 9:30 am, the Bishopric will hold a virtual morning devotional. This will be a brief ...