Sunday, August 26, 2018

Jefferson Ward EQ Spotlight
(If you have additional comments or questions for Bryant just leave them in the comment section)

Bryant Egan

Here are some of the questions we gathered during class:

 - Moved here from Beaverton, Oregon for work
- Served mission in Chicago
- Favorite food from Chicago : Deep Dish
- Currently a Commercial Underwriter for a bank
- Likes Sports
- Married with one child
- Recently claimed the elusive Cornhole Champion trophy
- Recently enrolled in a graduate program

Here is some additional info we gathered:

How many years in the ward?
1.5 Years

What is your favorite breakfast food?
Steak & Eggs

What is your favorite book?
Most recent favorite book The Big Short

How do you like to spend your leisure time?
Spend time with my family

Who do you look forward to hearing from most during General Conference and why?
Elder Holland, because he is so passionate and such an excellent speaker

What do you like most about our ward?
Everyone is friendly and willing to help others

What do you like most about church?
The opportunity to partake of the sacrament, feel the spirit and learn from each others experiences

What is the craziest thing you have done?
Bungee jumping?

What are some of your favorite foods?
Pizza, Hamburgers and fries, steak

What is your most favorite holiday and why?
Christmas, because its the most wonderful time of the year

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