Sunday, March 3, 2019

Our Beloved Brethren,

In keeping with our area, stake and ward goal Enable the salvation of our kindred dead, we wanted to reach out to you, the members of our ward Elder’s Quorum, to share with you our ward goals and extend an invitation to participate in achieving those goals. 
These are the goals for this year: 
(Special thanks to Sister Tara Jorgensen for writing up our ward goals.)

March- Create and Login to a FamilySearch Account.

2nd Quarter- Add a person, personal detail, memory, or source to the
Family Tree on FamilySearch.

3rd Quarter- Use the “Ordinance Ready” feature and take a name to the
(1) If person does not hold a current temple recommend:
(a) Make specific efforts to begin their path to the temple
(b) Share the ordinance work with a family member, friend, or
ward member.

4th Quarter- Begin Indexing.

So starting this month we are working toward everyone having access to FamilySearch. Setting up an account is really easy. Many of you have access and may not know it. Anyone who pays their donations on knows they have to log in. This log in is the same for logging in to FamilySearch too. In fact if you log in on and go to “My Account and Ward”, you will notice in the menu under “My Account” is the option “My Family Tree”. Click on it, and you’re there. You can then set up your account. It is free and linked to
Also if you are so inclined “there’s an app for that.” Yes, family history can be done from the convenience of your own personal device. 
I also noticed from our leadership instruction that Elder Stevenson had an additional app called “FamilySearch Memories”. That is more for 2nd Quarter goals, but check it out, mess around, use it, get a head start on our next goal. 
We encourage you to reach out to your ministering families and invite them to participate in our  ward goals for temple and family history. Encourage them, share successes, share stories.
Of course if you need help and encouragement of your own…call our enthusiastic Ward Temple   and Family History Consultant, Sister Tara Jorgensen 801-685-2577.  
  Our hope is that as we search out our ancestors, our family, we will grow in the knowledge of the love our Father has for each of his children, and the mercy that is extended to us through the atonement of His Son. We are saved as a family “...But my righteousness shall be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation.” (2 Nephi 8:8, Isaiah 51:8)

  “Therefore, the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy and holiness shall be upon their heads; and they shall obtain gladness and joy; sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
“I am he; yea, I am he that comforteth you.” (2 Nephi 8:11-12, Isaiah 51:11-12)
Until that day, brethren, let’s work together to get there. ‘Til we’re all there together.

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